Tuesday, March 6, 2012

WTF requiring user names and passwords for you social sites to get a job or go to a college.

Ok, I wasn't going to rant today, but I read something in the news that just pisses me off to no end.  Some employers and colleges are requiring your user name and passwords to social sites to either get a job or play on a sports team.  WTF.  Really?  This is so against the first amendment right of free speech, not to mention an invasion of privacy.  Now if she wanted to work for the CIA, FBI, Homeland Security or the White House, thats a different story.  And they have people that can find that out anyway without her providing any of that info to them.  Yes, sometimes Big Brother is important, but going to a Naturopathic College, really?

As a mom of a college bound high school senior, I find this extremely offensive.  Who the hell cares what she posted as a high school student.  I'm friends with her on fb and I haven't seen anything that should stop her from getting into the college of her choice, ok a few questionable pics, but they shouldn't stop her from doing what she wants to do in life.

Come on people, lets have some common sense.  I think people have lost a lot of it along the way.  Such as some of the rules for schools.  I had to send a note for her to give to her teacher to keep so that she could have chapstick with her in class.  What is next, banning moisturizing lipstick because it is a medicine?  How about midol for girls going through puberty?  I wouldn't want to be anywhere near a bunch of girls on their periods without this.  Talk about taking your life into your own hands.  They wouldn't take guns to school, but a pissed off girl with cramps can be deadly with a ballpoint pen.  I get that somethings should be held in the nurses office or other designated place, but motrin?  I had to take some to her during school when she was not feeling well and couldn't give her the bottle as she could only have one dose on her.  But bless that nurse, she could take a dose while in the office and then with a note allowing her to have one with her from me she could have a dose in her purse.  Thank God she didn't see me slip her the bag of cough drops that Shortie hid in the back of her pants under her sweatshirt.  Seriously, cough drops?  Oh yeah, those go for really high prices on the schools black market.

Jeez people.  The sad part is, the nurses and teachers felt that alot of those rules were stupid and took common sense out of the equation.  Shit, at least we didn't have those rules when I went to school as we were always sharing tylenol and midol with each other.  And that was during the extra strengh tylenol poising problem, and yet we all survived.

Which brings me to another common sense issue.  Lawn darts.  Anyone remember them?  We had them and survived, ok sometimes barely due to our own stupidity.  But if we threw them at anyone we lost them, because our parents were allowed to parent us with common sense.  We even threw knives at the neighbors house, although I'm not sure my parents knew about that one.  But we survived.  Now some changes are for the better, such as bike helmets.  We didn't have them and survived for the most part, and they have been shown to save lives, so I'm ok with that one.  But thats one of the few that I've found to be a good idea.  Now I never wore knee pads when skating down our hill or any of the other hills in the neighborhood, and due to some really nasty falls resulting in road rash, I almost wish we had motorcycle leathers.  But I survived with no permanent scars amazingly.

Lets bring back common sense, let parents be parents and be allowed to teach your kids common sense.  Now there are a lot of parents whose kids I've encountered in the apartments I've lived in should be given a course in it.  I absolutely don't understand these kids that when they see a car pull in just stand in the middle of the parking lot or when they move they move to your parking spot and just look at you like "how dare you want me to move so you can park".  If we did that it ended up being a game of chicken and you know who always wins in that game, usually the kids because most adults didn't want to mess up their car with kid guts.  My kids learned to stay the hell out of the way as most of the other residents didn't pay attention to the speed limits or if there were kids out there.  And they didn't play outside without supervision of some sort if they were under 4.  Oh yeah, nothing like a 2yo out where with a 5yo sibling supervising them.  This is serious darwin awards waiting to happen.

There done now.  Get your common sense back as I don't worry about kid guts on the car, that's what car washes were made for.  Just kidding, sort of.  I don't take my car to the car wash as I'm afraid if I remove the dirt it will fall apart, so no kid guts allowed, dirt yes guts no.

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