Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ghost hunting and other stuff

Ok, now I'm a firm believer that there are things out there that can't always be explained.  Such as UFO's (are we really the ONLY intelligent life in the universe?  Really?), Big Foot (he's probably sitting in the woods watching the "finding him" shows on Direct TV, etc.

But have you seen some of these people on the shows?  Talk about idiots.  Now, I'm not saying that they are idiots per se, but really?  Calling up the entities and asking them to tell you to leave?  Haven't any of them ever seen a slasher film?  Don't they know that the person making the challenge gets axed more brutally. 

No offense, I'd love to go ghost hunting.  But if I ever asked a ghost to answer a question and I could actually hear it without enhancement, I'd probably thank them for their time and leave.  Quickly.

Look at the Amityville Horror house.  They moved in.  Had their priest come to do a blessing on the new place, and he was told to "Get Out".  Isn't that a sign that maybe you should find a different place to live?  What do you say to guests if the house starts talking to them?  Ask them to pass the salt?  No thanks, if it made itself that known, I'm outta there.  Most likely anyway.  It might depend on if they asked how my day was, how I'd like my coffee, if I needed anyone haunted and scared.  Then I probably would stay.  Wouldn't that be great, come home, and have your resident spirit offer to scare the crap out of someone for you? 

And speaking of idiots.  Have you ever noticed in slasher films that when the characters realize they are being hunted, they run UP the stairs.   WTF?  And how are you supposed to escape that way?  Another point on this one.  Did you ever notice that its the girls, usually the blonde ones that do this?  What do they have against girls?  Or blondes for that matter?  At least when the guys get axed, it usually is because they do something stupid like have sex in the woods, by the lake, near a graveyard.  Or because they didn't leave in the only working car like a normal person would.  Seriously, why would you confront a psycho in a hockey mask, who is holding a chainsaw or harpoon gun.  Are you really that stupid?  This is where they should be using all that athletic ability, to run the hell away.

I really do like watching the ghost hunting shows, and there are so many of them I can't remember all of the names of them.  It is amazingly entertaining, sort of.  This one called, Ghost Adventures, uses some kind of device that can pick up the energy in the room so the spirit can communicate without them having to look at the tape.  This show is the worst for using humans to "challenge" spirits, which makes it all the more fun.  One of these episodes, they are going to find a spirit who doesn't  like the challenge they give them, and we will see who will be the last ghost buster standing.

And I do have to say, I love the Finding Big Foot show.  Although, as I said before, I also wait for something to show up unexpectedly, such as ...Big Foot.  Wouldn't it  be funnier than hell to have them do a Big Foot call, and having said creature show up to tell them to shut the hell up as the hunters are disturbing his sleep.  Who in their right mind would want to confront a sleep deprived Big Foot.

Not me, I'd rather confront sleep deprived teenagers.  Oh wait, Big Foot probably isn't as scary.

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