Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dear Douchebag, part 2

My Dearest Douchebag,

I just realized I left a few things out.

Did you know you can have a girlfriend without "being in love"?  That every "relationship" has to include being "in love"?

But whatever, you did what you did, and there is no changing that.

I'm assuming I just wasn't good enough or you wouldn't have started something with someone else while going out with me.  Talk about giving a girl a complex, you seem to be very good at that.

I hope she doesn't have kids, as that seems to be a sticking point with you.  Or maybe she does and mine weren't good enough for you when they were younger.  Other peoples little kids have seemed to be ok, but not mine.

Also, it really fucking sucked that I had talked to you 2 days before your facebook post about a change in relationship status and you didn't mention anything about it.  Seeing that first thing when I fired up facebook really sucked, especially when I had asked you if anything was new for you.  And all you told me about was your change in schedule at work and, of course, the drop in pay due to the routing.  You could've warned me when I talked to you.  Back to the lying to me, as I had asked what was new with you.

You know, karma is a bitch.  And it does come back to you.  Hopefully this time it won't cost you two houses.

Try being a real friend instead of a douchebag.  You have been crowned the King of the Douchebags.  Wear the crown with pride, since you seem to want it so badly.

There, venting probably done.


P.S.  You might want to stop being an ass or you might lose even more friends.

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