Wednesday, March 14, 2012

No, I don't own a house

So today I received a phone call while out with Shortie at Dairy Queen.  I haven't been there in years, and how dare some stranger interrupt it.  So I check the voicemail, which normally would do when I got home.  But as it was the second call in 5 minutes from someone I didn't know, I was curious.  The call was from some real estate about a showing some house.  Being the nice person I was this afternoon, which on Wednesday is hit and miss for me as I do the morning shift so it must have been the mint oreo blizzard, I decided to call and let the agent know they had the wrong number.  She said she'd check the listing to see if maybe she either dialed wrong or they had written down the wrong number.  Hopefully she found the right one.

Flash forward to this evening.  As Shortie and I was running all sorts of errands, which included ordering my glasses, I didn't get a nap this afternoon and was running on 2 hours or less of sleep.  So here I am finally getting my nap and I my phone goes off.  It was another agent calling about the house.  I was at least polite when I left a voicemail explaining I didn't have a house and to remove my number, PLEASE.  Yes, I said please.  So I just get back to sleep again, and his wife called.  Jeez, will someone pass on the message that I DON'T OWN A HOUSE.  I explained to her that it wasn't me, and she apologized for bothering me, very nice lady.  Thank god I didn't get another one when I finally fell asleep again.  If I was woken up again, I think I'd have lost it.

Now here is my question to y'all.  Don't you think if you were the homeowner or agent, you would at least make sure the phone number was correct so you could sell the place?  Is this just serious stupidity or what?  I know I would make sure.

Back to why I'm so tired.  I work nights closing the bar on Thurs. thru Sun.  I get to sleep around 4am, as I need to wind down for awhile.  BUT, one day a week, at the start of my work week, I work the morning shift which starts at 5:30am.  I have to get up a 4am on those days.  I had gotten a reprieve for a few months as we are slow in the winter.  But we have a couple of new people so I have been training them.  Now this is supposed to be temporary, but last time the temporary lasted 1 1/2 years, so I'm not holding out much hope that this will end soon.

Now you know why I'm tired.

I don't have a lot of patience for stupidity, but I apparently did today.  I think it really was the ice cream.  I also don't have a lot of patience for people who let their kids run around in the restaurant.  I know kids will be kids, I have three of them myself, but seriously folks have them sit down.  I darn near tripped over the girl as she was spinning around, which was making me dizzy just seeing this (remember when we could do that?).  I almost dropped the food I was carrying to another table.  Please have your kids sit, and don't give them the Frosted Flakes if you think they might get a little wound up.

I also had a family one time with some adorable kids, probably about 6 and 8.  The girls were running around and got in my way, I'm sensing a trend here.  So I politely told the girl I didn't want to drop her food and to please sit down.  Now I know that it was very dangerous to say but I was frustrated.  You never know how the parents are going to ask if you ask their "angels" to please sit down, at least I said please.  As I was setting their food down she got up again.  So her mom told her, now get this, "What did the lady say to you?  You need to listen to her."  Listen to me?  I'm not the mom, you are lady and they need to listen to you.  I've already raised mine, raise yours.  Because if mine did that, which they did try, they'd be in serious trouble and not allowed out again until they could behave, not to mention grounded.  This is why I took things for them to do when they were younger than that.  I understand at least if they are toddlers, but that's what high chairs are for, detaining the darlings.  At home, I'd duct tape them to the chairs (just kidding).  I never had that much duct tape on hand, thought about it though.

Am I asking too much?  Asking you to get your child to sit?  Now not all kids are like that.  I have had some amazing kids in the place.  The some of the best behaved I had really expected not to be.  There was a mom in there, by herself, with a 6yo, 4yo, and 2yo (I think that was their age, but I'm kinda close).  I'm not sure I would have had the guts to try that with kids that age, at least not without backup.  They were such quiet, polite, and non-hyper.  Whatever that mom was doing it sure worked.  And I told boys how great they were, and the mom to keep on doing whatever it was as it was working.  The funny part is as they were there, I had another table with kids who were just out of control across the room.  Talk about your night and day.

Ok, I'm starting to ramble now.  Getting sleepy.  Must go for the night.

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