Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What not to wear....

You ever feel like you have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear?  Well, apparently I did.  Really did.  I decided today that I would start weeding out the stuff I don't want in the closet.  Ok, project started.  Donation pile started.  Then comes trouble.  No, not in the form of the show What Not To Wear.  It was in the form of an 18yo girl.

Yes, Shortie decided to come in and help.  Which wasn't too bad.

Except for the following comments:

OMG, what decade was this from?

Shoulder pads?  You've got to be kidding.

That's so 80's.

That only looked good in the 90's.

Really, that came from the early 2000's, ew.

And one of my favorites:  Really, this was 'in' during the 80's.  Did no one have any fashion sense?

Well, we managed to fill 8 donation bags so far, the dresser has yet to be tackled, and 2 garbage bags with wire hangers, and things with bad elastic.  I know, don't hang your clothes on wire hangers.  Damn Mommy Dearest.

And with what is left of the business clothes, I get asked "how come you don't wear this more often?".  Well darling, I'm a bartender, I wear black head-to-toe, and I really don't want to wear business clothes on my days off.  Jeans and t-shirts are fine with me.  The nice stuff is saved for if there is something more important than running errands.  Besides, skirts and the like, would require pantyhose.  And may I say "ew" to that.  If I need to, I'll do it.  But not for Target.  Jeez.

Of course, now we have to go shopping for clothes now.  Which I'm actually not that fond of doing anymore.  Ok, its not that bad, sometimes.  Until, that is, you find something you like but either looks awful when not on the hanger or the 18yo says "ew".

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