Sunday, April 8, 2012

Norwescon - Days 2, 3 and beyond

As you can tell, I was obviously having too much fun to do an update on the rest of the weekend until now. 

I woke up on Friday feeling much better.  The only issues Friday morning were:  Dipshit kitty (aka Stickers) decided to pee on my bed while I was sleeping (thank god it didn't go all the way to the mattress.  Bless the housekeeper who got me all new bedding really quick).  I clogged the toilet emptying the litter box, who knew that particular brand of clumping litter wasn't flushable.  Got The Boy a roll away bed, for a small fee per night, because the people who wanted me to put the air mattress in the car didn't check for the pump and never told me that we didn't have it.

Finally got to attend some panels that day.  Yay.  Although the panels this year weren't quite as interesting to me as other years, they weren't too bad.  That afternoon my good friend (who we will call T) arrived with her husband S, and their son S2.  First con for them, we got to initiate them properly into the convention.  Of course the hotel helped with that as well.  Room not ready, no parking immediately available.  Ah, the wonderful part of con that no one likes.

T's son, S2, wanted to attend a panel (seminar like thing, usually they are an hour long or so), but as it was Flirting 101 and 18+ he couldn't go.  However, there was a zombie themed panel in the next room that he got to attend and loved it.  I was so glad about that as I didn't want to have him to not have fun.

Friday night, Red found T some costumes to borrow.  Luckily they are almost the same size.  And it looked amazing on her.  As I told T later, you can always find something to borrow from our group, there is enough costumes for a week between all the girls.

The dances were not as good as previous years, and I'm not sure where they are going with the programming of these but they need to fix it.  However, the Friday dance was delayed due to the Fannish Fetish Fashion Show.  Yes, its like it sounds.  The con used to have it in a different room, however this year they had it in the ballrooms where the dance is.  So needless to say, we went back to my room for a little refreshment.  Liquid style, of course. 

By the time we got back to the dance, they had already played The Time Warp, before midnight even (where the hell are they getting these dj's anyway).  This should NEVER be played before midnight, jeez what were they thinking.  When we walked in they were in the middle of Rasputin.  For those of you not in the loop, its a old song by Boney M about Rasputin, but the dance is done with everyone in a circle doing a chorus line type fast kick.  While this is going on, there usually is a performance by people who can do the Russian style kick where you are almost on the ground while kicking (I DON'T do this as I wouldn't be able to get up at all for a long time after that).  Then usually people who are in the center pull audience members out to do a festive style dance.  And guess who got pulled out?  That's right T did, by Red no less.  Welcome to con T.

Now the cats were fairly freaked out during Thursday and the first part of Friday, but Stickers came out from under the bed and was social with T and her hubby.  Which was nice.

Back to the room, time to crash...  Got to wake up on Saturday with no kitty presents on the bed.  Yay.  Still never enough sleep at this event.

Saturday started.  Damn T & S were up early, but they did make a panel or two that I had wanted to go to but just couldn't move that quickly in the morning.  It also doesn't help that the people who share my room, The Boy and Shortie, tend to sleep somewhat late in the morning so its dark and hard to get moving.  Enough coffee, a little Jameson and I was ready to start my day.  Hey, don't judge, its happy hour somewhere.

I went to a couple of panels, refilled the special coffee, and then wandered.  Checked on my art auction pieces, ok still top bidder.  Met up with T & S at the autograph signing where a friend of mine that I had met at Paizocon at work last year, was signing his books.  As he is an author I will mention his name, Clinton Boomer, so if you are reading this, it was so awesome to run into you and thank you so much for the book.  When can we expect another one???

After running around, and getting nowhere near the pics I wanted to get (which seems to be fewer each year), landed back in the room where Shortie was doing homework.  Ended up falling asleep and missing the deadline to check again on my art pieces to see if I needed to up the bids.  Woke up to a person knocking on my door looking for the pet/slave auction.  The part that confused me was that they had mentioned a name that was the same as one of Shorties friends so it took me a minute or so to figure out that he wanted the room across the hall.  Nothing like having the IBT (Intergalactic Bank of Timbuktu) across the hall, really nice group of people though.

Then I got this brilliant idea of wearing a costume that requires assistance just to put on.  So I had to call T with a call to come rescue me, then I had to explain to her that I needed to have her tie me up.  Yes, this is one of the few places that you can call a friend to come tie you up and they don't bring ropes.

Got tied, and costume fixed, went to dance.  A little better on Saturday, but not like they've been at all.  However, we got to initiate T to not only The Time Warp, but also Sweet Transvestite.  If you aren't familiar with these, please grab a group of people and watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show.  And then take that jump to the left.....

Now I did get shocked and surprised at the dance.  A teacher from Hogwarts asked me if there were any underage students that he could torture.  Of course, I didn't realize who the hell I was talking to.  It was a dear friend of mine that I have known for years.  But he had shaved off the goatee, damn he looks so different without it.  But he did look kinda like Professor Snape.
Rescued one of the girls from our group, got rid of the heels (what the hell was I thinking not bringing flats that weren't slippers), got another drink (isn't it happy hour somewhere?), and went to find T & S.  Thought they went to their room, so Shortie and I went to see them.  No answer.  What in the world are they doing asleep at almost 2am?  Went back our room, got something to eat and watched Dan Savage on MTV.  Who knew that there was informational TV like that on after 2am on the TV?

So unfortunately Sunday rolled around.  I never like Sunday, the weekend always ends too quickly.  Its kinda sad as some of your friends you only see once a year, even the ones who live locally.

I went to see if I won any of the pieces I bid on, and sadly I lost 2 of them.  But 1 of 3 isn't too bad.  I have our memberships for next year.  Get to book rooms next week.  Is it con 2013 yet?

Here are some pics of prior Norwescons, I haven't gotten the pics from this year of the phone and on to the computer yet, will soon.  But this will give you an idea of the fun we have.

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