Saturday, April 14, 2012

Back to work... trying to get into the swing of things

Well, after surviving Norwescon, I'm back to work.  What an adjustment after being gone for a whole week.  Its been interesting trying to get my balancing skills back, who knew how heavy those trays really are after you've taken some time off.  I must be getting weak.  Note to self, hit the workout room at next con.

And thank god its baseball season, I'm so sick of basketball.  I know its getting into the playoffs, but let it end already.

Ok, so I'm not a sports nut, but I have watched more sports in the last 3+ years than I probably have in my whole life.  However, I've decided that I really only like football and baseball.  I understand those.  They make sense.

Baseball - Hit little ball, run like hell while hoping no one catches the damn thing.

Football - Keep ball away from other team while hoping not to get run over by other team.

Basic, right?  Umps and refs to keep it relatively calm, occasional fight does break out.

Unlike some sports where fighting seems to be the objective.  Such as hockey.  As they say, you go to a fight and a hockey game breaks out.  I don't get it.  You are playing a sport that is just already damn dangerous.  You've got really sharp blades on your feet, big ass sticks in your hands, and a little black thing that goes damn fast, and now you want to throw punches?  Just don't get it.  Guys, if you want to experience that much pain, do a bikini wax.  Its less bloody and you get to keep all your teeth.

I must be tired from working.  How does one go from getting back to work to waxing instead of hockey?  Maybe I just need a beer.

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