Monday, April 2, 2012

Beware... pussycats are invading Norwescon

What do you do when you have an old cat (who can only eat wet food) and have no one to take care of him while you go to Norwescon?  What else?  You take him with you, of course.  And then what do you do with the dipshit kitty (aka Stickers) who will be lonely without him?  Bring her too. 

This is going to be a very interesting convention.

First of all, these are indoor kitties.  Although dipshit likes to go outside for "supervised" playtime, and she will go down the stairs, but the minute a car goes through the parking lot and playtime is done.  She is at the door with wide eyes, crying to be let in.  So we are taking this cat with us,as well.  I must be insane.

Now Shortie is so excited about this, as we have to get a leash and harness for the furball.  Of course, according to her, it must have spikes or be able to be modified into something steampunkish.  Conkitteh on the attack.  I hope I bring enough alcohol for this. 

Take one 18yo girl, one freaked out kitty, add a little steampunk costuming, and you have instant fun.  Not for Stickers, though.  Girl yes, cat no.

I was also informed that said girl would be taking the kitty out into the crowds (there will be about 3,000 people attending) and asking if people would like to pet her pussy.  Get your minds out of the gutter, she will be handing them the cat while she is asking this.  We are talking about cats, the four-legged kind.  Now where did I put the booze?

BJ will be hiding under a bed the whole time, and I don't even want to take him into the lobby as it'll probably give him a heartattack.  He's a big wuss, which is ok.  At least under the bed he will be safe from Shortie and her adventures.

And then there will be the issue of housekeeping.  Poor Stickers will have to stay crated so they don't accidentally let her out.  Unless I can convince her to stay under the bed with BJ, which might be possible if Shortie takes her out and about on Thurs.

The complications that I didn't even think of when I decided to bring them.  Am I going to have enough booze for this?

Yes, this will be my vacation, and my time to party.  Which is why we stay at the hotel vs. driving the 10 min. from home to go to it.  No worries about DUI's, easy changing for the girls, no fighting for parking.  The only worry I'm going to have is, have we lost a pussy at con.  And yes, that is another line she is pondering if Red has the kitty, the "have you seen my pussy?" line.  Get your minds back out of the gutter, she's talking about a cat for gods sake.  Jeez.  Some peoples kids.

But that's my girls.  It makes me proud.  I just hope they don't say that near me, because I won't be able to stop laughing.

I'll keep you posted how the cat adventure went after con.  And for those of you who are attending, feel free to ask her if she knows where her pussy(cat) is.  Back out of the gutter, jeez. 

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