Sunday, July 1, 2012

So I've finally upgraded...

Well, I've put off upgrading things for as long as I can.  I had to get a new phone as my old one decided that it didn't want to stay on during phone calls.   I can't believe that it decided to die after almost 6 1/2 years.  Aren't they supposed to last longer?  Really?  Are things that disposable?  So I got a smart phone, and I really do like it.  I managed to figure out how to hook up the blue tooth and get ringtones all by myself, but when I tried to answer a call it didn't work.  I kept pushing the damned green button and it didn't work.  So bless Shorties heart, when she came home she called the phone and showed me how to answer it, while rolling her eyes at me of course.  WTF?  You have to slide the green thingy across the screen?  Who the hell thought this thing up?  Everything else is just touch and it works.  Really?   Answering the phone isn't done the same way?  Why not?  And of course, I couldn't find THAT little bit of info in the instruction manual.  But, whatever.  It works now.  I can answer your phone calls, if I want to that is.

I went to pick up Shortie at work tonight, it is nice that she is working a late shift so I can get her when I'm done and she isn't waiting very long for me.  So she decided that she wanted to check out the games I had on the phone. The Flood-It frustrated her and instead of getting hooked on it (like I am) she turned that one off and went in search of something more her taste.  Bejeweled was her first choice.  She discovered that some apps are a pain to put on the phone, in that when you go play them or open them, you sometimes have to do all this other garbly-goop (real word I promise) to get to the damned game.  I found her a really cool version of the game, and as long as I can keep the phone away from her, I might even get to play it myself.  Jeez, some people's kids.  Wait, she's mine.  Damn.  Guess I'm going to have to share.

The second upgrade I've had to do in the last two weeks is to upgrade the cable.  Now this wasn't really my choice, we used to get our cable thru the apartment complex and it was part of the rent.  They, however, decided that it was easier for the tenants to deal with it on their own.  Not a really big deal, but as its not bulk anymore, the price is obviously more expensive.  I did get a screaming deal for digital though.  Amazingly it was cheaper than the expanded basic I had before.  I also now have the really cool guide on the tv, so no more tv guide channel or firing up the laptop to find out what is on.

What really amazes me though is how many channels are on infommercials at 4am.  Most of you probably aren't up this late, but as a bartender who keeps vampire hours, I'm up until 5am usually.  But there are at least 5 more channels I like that are working at this hour.  Yay.

And back to sharing new things, I had to fight to get the remote for the cable away from her so I could play with the new toy.  Why can't mom get to play with things first?  It's not like it's Christmas or birthday's when they get the cool stuff and get to play with them first.  It's my toy.  Let me play with it, or at least try to figure it out, before you have to show me how to make it work.

I know, I probably should have done these changes a long time ago, but I figure if it ain't broke don't fix it.  That and I'm cheap.  Why spend money if I don't need too.  I mean the more I can save by not upgrading means more M&M's I can buy.  Ok, I don't really buy that many M&M's, but you get the point.

Time to go play with the cool remote.  Hopefully I'll have at least half of the buttons figured out before she commandeers it again.

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