Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Keep an eye on your kids when in a parking lot watching fireworks

Tonight Shortie talked me into going out to watch the fireworks at Emerald Downs.  This is the horse race track here locally.  Now as we didn't want to actually go into the place, we went to the grocery store across from it.  Well, not directly across from it but with a really good view.  Apparently everyone comes to see the fireworks on the 3rd out here by the track.  And they are all over the city of Auburn.  Maybe not all over the city, but within viewing range of the track.

So we get to the grocery store parking lot where she goes every year with her friends to see the show, I was amazed (I don't know why it amazes me anymore) at how many kids were running around this parking lot without parental supervision.  Now this parking lot is not closed off to traffic, nor is it on a road never used.  Its actually off of one of the main streets that is incredibly busy.  We saw a child about 5 or 6 damn near go into the road while traffic goes by at 45mph.  WTF?  Do you not want your kid to make it through the night?  People lighting off fireworks in the parking lot and throwing them at people.  Do you NOT know that the city of Auburn has a fireworks ban?  Really?  Of course, several of these came really close to several of the cars.  Thank god we parked at the end where they weren't setting stuff off, as I might be in jail for decking some idiot who sent one near my vehicle.

Oh.  It gets better.  One of Shortie's friends made it to the show.  So we gave her a ride back to her place, which wasn't far, but she was recovering from a cold and it was chilly and dark out.  After dropping her off we start down the road and what do we see?  A couple of adults with a little kid went running across the road.  Did I mention they were all wearing dark clothes?  Did I also mention that there was the crosswalk just on the other side of the build they were behind?  WTF?  Then as we approach that really busy road I mentioned earlier, some little kid (around 4 or 5yo) jumped off the sidewalk into the street.  Thank god I saw the kid when I did and I wasn't farther up the road, or it would've been a really bad situation.  That would've been horrible.  Of course, the parents would've sued even though they weren't paying any attention to this little one at almost 11pm.  Its dark out.  Watch your f-ing kids.  Some of us don't want to be responsible for hurting them, or god forbid, killing them.  Shortie wanted to jump out of the car to confront them, but she just settled on a rant about how some people just shouldn't breed.

Ok, I'm not a perfect parent.  I've never claimed to be one.  But my kids grew up knowing not to run in the street, and to hold an adults hand while out in public.  They do get embarrassed about that now that they are 18 and 19.  Ok, I really don't make them hold my hand anymore, they'd give me cooties at this point anyway.  When they were little, I taught all three to "touch" the car while I was getting them into it.  As there was usually one or more of them needing to get into car/booster seats, I'd put the littlest one at the time in first, then the rest.  Well, its kinda hard to put one in the car and hold onto the other one.  They knew that if they moved their hand off the car they were in big trouble.  It worked. 

People watch your kids.  You brought them into the world.  Don't let someone accidentally take them out of it.  If you want to be stupid, YOU run into the road and I'd be more than willing to hit you as you are worth points.

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