Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dipshit kitteh and fireworks don't mix

Poor Stickers, aka Dipshit kitteh.  This 4th of July has been rough on her.  She's finally asleep, I think, but maybe not to deeply with the war zone going on outside still.  Old man kitteh could care less.  They just don't seem to bother him.  Maybe its because we got him when the kids were little.  If you can survive that, fireworks are no big deal.

The dipshit kitteh hasn't left my side since they have begun. And wants me to hold her like a little baby. You know how hard it is to be on your laptop with a kitteh in your arms? But alas, that seems to be how it is going to go for the rest of the night.

Everytime that I've gone outside to watch the fireworks in the surrounding area she wants to go outside.  Then about 30 seconds later, after a boom, she's meowing to go back in.  Stupid kitteh.  Don't you know I tried telling you about the noise? 

At least the apartments I live in has banned them, with a risk of immediate eviction if caught setting them off.  Which is nice.  I'm a pyromaniac at heart, but there isn't enough space in an apartment parking lot to set stuff off without risking someone's car.  Of course, that didn't stop anyone last year, but has seemed to work this year.

Shortie went to a local reservation with friends to go blow everything up.  I'm glad we don't live near there for several reasons.  The fireworks and dipshit don't mix, and they have a really nice casino.  That could be really costly if I lived that close.  I don't live that far, but I don't like to fight the traffic to get there.  So that tends to limit my visits to about once or twice a year.  Although they do have a really good buffet.  Maybe I'll have to stop by on a day off soon.

Hopefully the booms will stop soon.  It is 11:30 already, and she is upset.  At least I don't work early mornings anymore, so going to bed late won't be a problem for me.  But the kitteh, different story.

Hope everyone had a fun 4th and still has all their fingers.

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