Tuesday, July 3, 2012

We don't tan, we rust...

As a lifetime resident of the lovely state of Washington, you'd think I'd be used to the rain, well I am used to it.  I'm even used to it when we probably shouldn't have it.  Like right now.  Its July 3rd at 4am (I know, I'm a vampire) and its pouring.  Really flipping, pouring.  Stickers, the dipshit kitteh, just came running thru the apartment meowing in fear because she was in my bedroom window and the wind caused the rain to hit her.  The window is partially open, its not really been warm enough for any length of time to need it open, but I like the fresh air and the window is a bitch to move so there it stays.

Everyone thinks it rains all the time in Washington, Seattle in particular.  Some years it does, some years it doesn't.  This is one of those years apparently.  I passed a boat on the 405 coming home tonight that was loaded with animals, lots of them.  Not sure where they were headed, but it looked like they were having fun.  Unlike the semi going UP the 405, with no traffic in front of them, with their brake lights on.  At least it looked like their brake lights, they were brighter than the normal running lights, and EVERYBODY (the two other cars in front of me) had to SLOW down before they could pass this dude.  And what do we all see?  No one.  That's right.  Not a single damned car or truck in this guys way.  Now if it were a downhill stretch I could understand.  But UP the hill?  Really?  I have friends who drive the big rigs, and I'm not 100% positive, but pretty sure that if they are going up a hill at 1am with no traffic in front of them (did I mention they were doing 45mph?), they wouldn't have their brakes on whilst going up the f-ing hill.  No, they weren't even exiting, which was my first original guess when I saw the bright lights WAY ahead of me.  Its amazing how quickly you can catch somepeople with your cruise control set to 63ish.  Ok, it says 65 but the needle reads 2mph more than the speed readers you see all over the roads these days, so I just go to 65 and hit the set button.

The funny part about this "summer" is the fact that the weather was better in the first part of June.  Which was very good as we had a graduation and a grad party that was primarily outside.  The ceremony wasn't, that was held in the Tacoma Dome, but the wonderful game of 'finding all the relatives and your child after' was outside, as was the party the next day.

Rain.  Gotta love it though.  I mean, where else can you rust instead of tan?  Wait, that could be the new state motto.  Welcome to Washington.  We don't tan, we rust.  But the ducks are happy as hell.  No not the Oregon variety, the feathered ones you can feed at the lake.  Now, were in the hell is the lifeboat?  Well, I am on the 3rd floor so maybe I won't need it tonight.

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