Monday, May 7, 2012

Laundromats and other places in hell

I hate going to laundromats.  The only time I'd go to them is if I couldn't get a sleeping bag into my washing machine, luckily they fit.  And since I have a queen size bed I can get the comforters in there too.  But the dryer decided to act up and not work.  It just wouldn't dry anything.  So I scheduled an appointment for today.  Then on Friday, Shortie had moved it out from the wall.  And voila, it dries again.  Now it takes two cycles, but her clothes got dry.  So I cancelled said appointment.  Then on Saturday I decided to do a load for me.  I checked the clothes after the second cycle, and guess what?  Still damp and not even warm.  Rescheduled, but I couldn't get an appointment until Wednesday.  No big deal, I'll just go to the laundromat down the road.

Now the adventure starts.....

Since it has been years since I've been in one, they have put in all front loading machines.  Ok, no big deal as they used to have a couple of front loaders for the really big stuff like king size comforters and sleeping bags.  Now they have three sizes of them.  The small, which is for 20lb loads.  The medium for 50lb loads.  And the large, which does 75lb loads.  Ok, which leads me to my first problem.  How the hell do you figure out the poundage of a load of laundry?  There's no scale.  Do you just guesstimate the weight?  Do you insert a small annoying child into the machine to see if they'll fit, and then use that to gauge your laundry?

So I just decided to use two small and two medium machines.  Now here comes the fun part.  On the front of the machine they list what you put into what spot on the top of the machine.  Ok, makes sense until you see the labels the laundromat put on the machines.  Do they match the diagrams on the front?  No, that'd be too easy.  So I followed the instructions on the front, and then decided to just add more soap to the spot the top of the machine said.  I wanted to make sure it got to the clothes as that was the whole point of this adventure to hell.

Next you have to pay for these to start.  Ok.  Who remembers when it was $.75 or $1.00 to run a load?  Now, its $2.50 for a small, $4.25 for a medium, and $6.50 for the jumbo ones.  Jeez, how can anyone afford to go there on a regular basis.  Not to mention to run the dryers for an hour was $2.50.  So three dryers and 4 washers was a lovely $21.  If I have to replace my dryer, I figure that it will pay for itself in trips missed in around 15 - 20 visits to hell.

So now I sit and wait.  And wonder why my washers aren't as sudsy as the other machines.  Did I get the bad machines?  Did I screw up the soap?  Ok, that was a possibility, but still .  Now comes the fun part, running between the machines to see how much longer its going to take.  Everything looks smooth except the one with the bleach load in it.  It keeps telling me 23 more minutes.  WTF?  Is this one broken?  And as it looked like it was going to take forever I started two dryers.  Yes, I took that much with me.  I figured if I was going, might as well do it all and get it over with.  But of course, that machine stopped right after I started the second dryer.  Damn, more money.

But as the machine that had the darks in it had the coolest thing happen.  Yes, it didn't take much to entertain me this afternoon.  Shortie has this hoodie that is black with hot pink and white reflective things on it.  For whatever reason, it happened to flatten itself against the front door of the machine.  When it started spinning it was this really cool pink blur just spinning around.  So of course, out comes the camera phone.  People were looking at me like I was some tourist on my first trip to Disneyland.

Yup cool looking.  Cheap entertainment, sort of.

That was just one part of hell.  The another part was the kids.  Now I know kids will be kids, but really?  Running, screaming, opening all the machine doors?  I wonder how many I could've fit in one of the big dryers?  How long does a child cycle need to run for?  Just kidding, sort of.  The thought did cross my mind about a dozen times.

Then there were the people who choose to use the dryers right next to yours.  Which would be no big deal, except that they watched mine stop and then proceeded to stand in front of them to put their clothes in.  Did you not see that the rest of the row was empty?  You could've gone just one more over and not imposed on someone else.  Or do I not understand the etiquette of the hell called the laundromat.

I hope my dryer gets fixed.  I really don't want to buy a new one, but I will if it will save me from having to go back to that hell.

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