Friday, December 13, 2013

Demon kitteh, personal assistant

So this little ball of black fur known as the demon kitteh has a new habit.  She has to help with most things in the bathroom.  Apparently I do not know how to properly brush my teeth, brush my hair, get dressed, etc.  And being the dedicated kitteh she is, she insists on showing me how to do everything.

At first it was cute.  The kitteh is standing on the toilet with her paws up for attention, and as long as I pet her she was happy.  That was a couple of weeks ago.  Now it is on the counter, leaning on me and guiding the toothbrush.  Ok, she thinks she is guiding but that is not really what is happening.  And god forbid I move from the sink, thats when the serious looks of disgust begin.  How dare I move from her immediate reach.  Don't I know, that as a silly human, I can't do anything by myself?  She knows when I'm to stop, the toothbrush signals (gotta love electric ones).  As soon as it signals, she is off the counter and waiting for me to get dressed. 

Of course she has to help with that too.  Does she not realize that I did all these things myself before she decided that I needed a babysitter to assist with them?  She helps with make-up, curling irons and flat irons.  However, she hates the hairdryer.  That is just way too noisy for her.  Is there a way to make it so that the curling iron makes that noise?

She also assists when I'm on the laptop, playing on my phone, trying to read.  I obviously need assistance with everything.  What she doesn't realize is the only assistance I need is her out of the way.  Sitting on the keyboard looking cute will win her loves, but only so I can remove said kitteh from the keyboard.

How did I ever survive without the help of this very dedicated assistant?  I survived quite well actually.  Just don't tell her, she'll never believe you.

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