Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christmas shopping and other not so joys of the season

So every year I tell myself that I'm going to start early.  Christmas shopping that is.  Yeah right, never happens.  The few times I've done this I hide them, only to find them way after Christmas, sometimes in time for next Christmas.  So I started really hitting the shopping two days ago. 

Now I really don't like the malls.  Too many people and too many rude ones.  I used to like the malls and then found amazon.  But luckily my days off are in the middle of the week so it isn't too bad.  But just barely, and I have to finish next week.

Also the kids are at the stage where they are getting kinda hard to shop for.  Mainly because I get the wish lists really late.  Kids, I'd like the lists in, oh say, August.  That'll give me time to shop, hide, lose and reshop for your gifts.  But a mom can dream. 

Stocking stuffers for them are the hardest.  When they were little, crayons, small toys and silly string worked.  Now its, OMG what am I going to get.  What candy do they still like?  What are the ingredients, as the girls have developed food issues.  Ugh.  Ok two are of legal age, maybe airplane size booze bottles would work.  But which ones?  This is going to be as bad as finding candy they will eat.

I have a wonderful boyfriend this year that I get to shop for.  But what to get the guy who has whatever he needs and the wishlist contains things that I can't afford and have not a clue where to find some of the items on the list.  He doesn't eat a lot of sweets, so candy is out (I'd end up eating a lot of it).  Buying clothes for men is out, too hard to do, they can shop for themselves. Just kidding, if you gave me sizes and whatnot, I'd love to shop for you.  You like pink and purple, right? 

Wrapping is a whole other subject.  I've been lucky and Shortie has been my elf in charge of this.  I used to really enjoy it, but midnight wrapping sessions fighting with cats has somehow stopped that.  This year maybe I can keep them away long enough to do that.  How much would Shortie charge me to tackle this project for me?  I'll have to see if she is available for hire again.  She's almost 20 so slave labor is probably not an option and its going to cost me.  Or maybe I'll just get a bottle of wine and tackle it myself.

I did break down and get an elf on the shelf.  Not for home, the kids aren't going to buy the Santa is watching you thing anymore.  But I got it for work.  Maybe if the customers drink enough, I can keep them in line with the Santa is watching line.  The elf is having fun at work though.  He was on a shelf behaving himself when I left one day last week, and when I came in the next day he was playing on the beer taps.  We could have a very drunk elf if we don't keep an eye on him.  So Mr. Elf, no drinking and climbing the Christmas trees in the restaurant anymore.  That would be a sad day if someone found him dangling from the branches.

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