Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Insomnia and other late night things

So you would think I'd be used to staying up late.  I am used to it.  But there are times when it'd be nice to not be awake at the crack of dawn.

Tonight is one of those nights I'm hoping to be asleep long before the sun comes up. 

Why you ask?  Well, it's my night off.  I don't need to be up this late.  Ok, in defense of the time, it's still early to my body clock.  1:20am is early for me.  Except I have things that need to be done before I go into to work tomorrow.

This is week two of having only one day off due to scheduling problems at work.  We are short staffed.  So guess who gets to work on one of her days off?  Me.  Love the overtime, but it sucks when you have things that need to get done. 

At least the cats are mellow tonight.  Oh wait, its early for them as well.  In about another hour, the kittehannapolis 250 will be starting.  Yes, laps at 3am.  What is it with wee hours of the mornings and kittehs needing to run like maniacs?  Although when I'm up at that time they will usually wait until I've just fallen asleep to start.  Isn't it nice of them to wait until I can fully appreciate their run?

At least no one has fallen off the porch this week, which is good as I don't have time for them to give me a heart attack at the moment.

For those that don't know or didn't hear, my dipshit kitteh (aka. Stickers) decided during her roll on the porch to roll under the railing and fall to the porch below us.  Except what she failed to consider at the time was the fact that due to the stairs being right under the porch she didn't have a fully flat spot to land.  Needless to say she did not land on her feet.  And quite frankly, both Shortie and myself were shocked that she even fit under the rail as she is on the "fluffy" side.  Amazingly the dipshit tried to roll in the same spot later that night.  And this is why we call her dipshit.

Must try to sleep now, as I feel the random ramblings coming on.  Good night and may the insomnia fairy stay the hell away.