Friday, May 31, 2013

It's been awhile

So it's been an interesting year so far.  New kitten, new boyfriend, Shortie has a license and a car, The Boy has a permit.

So last 4th of July, not only was dipshit kitteh freaked out due to the fireworks.  Shortie texted to say that the reservation where they were doing fireworks at got closed due to idiots, she came home with a surprise.  So she walked in the door with her hoodie backwards.  While holding the hood she told me "look what I brought home".  My first thought was "oh god the bomb squad will be showing up next".  Instead she pulled out a little black ball of fur.  Little did I know that it was a demon spawn from hell.  Ok, not that bad, but boy what a little shit.  Shortie named her Independence aka Indie, I just called her demon kitteh.

Did some overnight shifts with K from work due to staffing shortage.  Made for long days, but the overtime was worth it.  In fact, doing one tonight to people calling in with family emergencies.  Which worked as the transmission went out in my car in September.  I hate cars sometimes.  But at least Shortie had just gotten her car and was able to borrow another one so I could use hers to get to work.  Its a land yacht, 1981 Pontiac Bonneville, awesome car with lots of crunch room.

Spent the Christmas holiday home sick, but got really good leftovers sent home in a care package.  Mom didn't do a turkey this year, she did tri-tip roast, which if you haven't tried it you must.  That was a really nice change, hopefully she'll do it again this year.

Norwescon was a blast.  My friend T introduced my to cake vodka.  Want to talk about a dangerous alcohol, it doesn't even taste like booze, definately could get into trouble with that.  Finally had a new costume this year, after thinking I killed my mom's sewing machine.  That was a scary moment in time.  I also thought I had killed my brother's dog the same day.

Also have a really awesome new boyfriend, who hasn't run away screaming in fear yet.  Maybe the duct tape and restraints are working, for now.

Time to go back to work, sort of.